Elysium RP Wiki

This page is about the unofficial auras people may possess. Auras are metaphysical energy fields around one's body or soul, they are considered a mark of life. Auras reflect personalities, choices, some magic and even certain powers may be attained by one's auras. Do note that these auras are purely non-canon and do not exist officially within server lore until approved by a staff member. I was given permission to write this article as unofficial.

The Soul


To understand one's aura you must understand the soul, and to understand what a Virtue or Vice is, you must understand the aura. It begins with the soul, the meaning of emotion and sentience. The soul is unexplainable, as we barely know anything about it, what we do know is that, our souls make our personalities for the most part, and separate us from everyone else. They are what makes us different. The soul can be described as a powerful force within one's body, once one has died, their soul exits and leaves the body to drift to other realms unknown of. Alteration of the soul is possible through dark means, but has never been attempted, and is generally seen as an evil omen. Every living thing in Elysium possesses a soul, plants and trees possess a soul of their own in fact, but it could never be as adept as that of a sentient race such as a Human.

Auras Itself

Auras itself are manifestations created by the soul in the form of an energy plane around someone, they appear in different forms of colours and scientifically, is pure Aether energy. They help spiritually, physically and emotionally connect oneself to the world around them, and play a huge role in magic.

Vices and Virtues

Each aura, soul and person has one vice, and one virtue. The negative and positive traits of one's being. These are specific to a person, vices and virtues choose to manifest in the form of character traits that are permanent amongst one's being and personality. However, for higher beings such as demigods, demons, or gods, they can be seen as higher powers, Vices and Virtues for godlike beings can manifest as the Power of Flight, Extreme Speed, and vice versa. In truth, while these powers make one stronger, it is emotion what empowers the aura, and it is well known that mortals possess stronger auras than gods, and this can be seen as a disadvantage and an advantage in terms of power.

Spectrum of Auras


All auras range in colours, from the vibrant red, to the dark shadowy black. Colours and auras mean many things, for example, a brighter aura could mean someone has a happier personality, where a darker tone to an aura could display vengeance, hatred, or depression. Those who practice dark arts find their auras darkened. While it is not totally clear why auras take a form of colour, and why they have meanings, magical researchers hypothesize that auras are manifestations of how one connects with life around them.

Locked Auras

Those with strong auras, are in fact able to unlock their auras and find strengths in their manifestation, whereas regular ordinary people live with locked auras. Locked auras are mundane, and only affect one's personality, an unlocked aura has a large plethora of mechanisms to use, primarily for battle. It should be noted that a darkened aura works purely offensively, and cannot be used in any positive ways, leaving the person with negativity shrouding around them rather then vibrant life energy an unlocked person may experience, locked or unlocked. Controlling and unlocking one's aura is hard, and to do so, one must either do so by magical means, or by finding peace. Additionally, it should be decided whether or not you should have your character's aura unlocked or not, it should be solely based on your character's backstory and whether or not they have the mental capacity to go through the mental strain of unlocking a higher energy field.

Uses and Abilities

It should be noted that auras are beyond more then just personality affecting energy fields. They are energy fields which enhance a person to great measures, many uses are available to those who have unlocked their aura, whereas a locked aura may not be able to use these traits.

Defensive Use

  • Defence Shield
    • One of the most straightforward uses for an unlocked aura includes it's vast defensive capabilities, one is able to use their aura in the heat of combat to shield them self from a normally fatal blow, to a relatively small one. This is seen as a more so passive ability, it is not a physical shield, but one that is spiritual, and is used to save lives. However this does not make one immortal, certain dark magics enable the defence shield to decay.
  • Physical Manifestation
    • Another common use of the aura is to manifest it physically into a makeshift aether-like energy form. The energy summoned will be in range of the colour spectrum from their personality. Depending on the colour the energy will have different effects, summoning this energy makes it easier to accomplish tasks involving the aura quickly, however it is also a disadvantage, as nearby dark mages will be able to decay the aura, being instantly informed of their status and personality types. This is what makes using auras so dangerous for common people.

Offensive Use

It is not always Auras are used for positive uses, some aura wielders have taken it to the next level by using their energy field to offensively manipulate the battle field, this is vastly preferred by dark magicians, as they are not able to use many positive effects from the energy field.

  • Currently the only offensive use of the aura field is to consume another with one's own aura to suffocate out their's to nullify their own aura for a short period of time, once another's aura has been nullified it makes them severely physically weak, and an easy target. It should be noted that using this ability too much can lead to nullification of one's own aura, if used on a crowd, the person casting their aura will likely be weakened greatly, and in some cases, die.

Positive Use

One ability specific to an aura wielder with an unlocked status is the ability to manipulate other lower life forms to an extent, both flora and fauna can be altered in ways using one's higher aura. For example, a sickened rabbit or deer can be healed by one's aura by placing a hand and transferring energy into their own aura, one must be careful when doing this to not insert too much energy into the life form to consume them.

Dark Aura Uses

RO2 shadowform

However, only recently have dark aura wielders discovered that it becomes relatively easy to kill plants and animals when using their darkened auras, and do this rather commonly. Those who do kill other life forms frequently with their own aura, gain a passive vibe to them. Essentially, their passive vibe will slowly begin killing plants passively without the person having to make any energy transfers just from standing within one to ten metres from plant life and animal life. These types of aura wielders are heavily dangerous, and they may even find their magical abilities empowered from this type of passive ability. An exaggerated dark aura manifest

Aura Cleansing

Some people have dark auras due to childhood events and what not. There are in fact people whom are able to read auras, and even further, purify them. This is done mainly by churches and mage-hunting services across Elysium. It should be noted once a purification is finished, an aura will be incredibly weak. It is not uncommon to witness many people post-purification ritual taking medications, herbs and drugs to combat their weak state. If one doesn't follow proper medication follow-up, they may either die, or live an incredibly weak life. Additionally, if one's aura is not cleansed for up to 15 years, they may experience darkness entering their system, and may forcefully inherit negative traits and abilities. This is why most babies are aura-read at birth.


  • It is certainly not uncommon to see many mages wielding their auras, Aura use was originally popularized heavily amongst the magic community by Life Mages who used it to heal Lifeforce around them.
  • Auras are metaphysical energy plains that surround one's body.
  • Contrary to popular belief, telekinesis is impossible through the aura, but that is not to say gods may not use telekinesis through their own aura.
  • Very rarely, one will be blessed with a godlike trait in their aura, these blessed people are known as "Azireals", they typically posses an increased sense, such as super-scent, or an increased physical trait like high speed. Some even are known to be able to predict the future. These entities are better known as Mystics.